Thanksgiving Abroad!

Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated here in Ecuador, but we didn’t forget about it!

This was my first year not going home for Thanksgiving, and it was a bit harder than I thought it’d be, but it was also really fun to celebrate an American holiday outside of the US.

Perhaps it’s because we’re nearing the end of our time in Ecuador, or because I’ve been seeing all the pictures online of people going home to their families this week, or both, but today I feel a sudden pang of homesickness that I didn’t have before. During the day I was definitely wishing I could be home for the day, but ultimately, I was able to take a step back and realize that missing one Thanksgiving with my family is so worth the experience of being here.

All that being said, celebrating Thanksgiving here in Ecuador with my fellow American students was an experience I’m glad to have had. Thanksgiving isn’t celebrated by Ecuadorians, but us students had a “Friendsgiving” potluck to honor the holiday. It was my Fall Semester group, as well as a group of student teachers, and a few staff members of CEDEI. I love that we have such a great community here with each other, so even though we’re away from our friends and family in the US on a day that’s largely about gathering with friends and family, we all got together and had a great time anyway.

I love traditional Thanksgiving food, but it was highly entertaining to see what everyone ended up bringing to our Friendsgiving. I was completely guilty of not sticking to the Thanksgiving theme…I definitely ordered pizzas, not exactly typical! We had everything from the traditional mashed potatoes and gravy to things like buffalo chicken dip and guacamole. It was fantastic.

All in all, I really enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving in this way. Every time I miss something at home, I remind myself that all of the things I’m doing here are a once in a lifetime opportunity. It is extremely unlikely that I will ever celebrate Thanksgiving in Ecuador again, and even if I do, it won’t be with the lovely people I’m sharing the experience with this time.

So this Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my ability to be here in Ecuador experiencing all that I am!